I'm back!!!!!

I can't believe I have let this blog go so long without a new post.    Tonight is just a quick one, but I've got so much catching up to do.....not to mention, tons of holiday posting to do.  October and November where a whirlwind.   I'm just now finishing up all of my mini session editing and I'm ready to get onto crafting and getting into the christmas spirit.    Here are a few pictures from the past month--minus Halloween, I will post those in their own post.

A fun trip to the Ren Fest.....Rhea's favorite--the trampolines

working so hard.....

yep that's my little one on the right....made it all the way to the top.

and Ryane...pretending to be a fairy...in the garden

These girls love a good Turkey leg!!!

so cute....

I mean really really cute!!!

And a little Beiber Fever...we had so much fun..

more to come...


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