My Crazy Life...Day 23

Quick post tonight....

I'm worn out!!!!

1.  I worked out (go me, go me)
2. Made Dinner
3.  Rheagan had a major meltdown--was sent to bed early, told me I was mean, told me I hurt her feelings and the I made her heart hurt, told Clutch she just needed him to hold her...because she didn't get enough time with him today.......SERIOUSLY, this girl knows how to work us!!!!  Today, being a mom SUCKS!  It was a 2 glass of wine kinda night...
4.  I did upload my session from this weekend and post a sneak peek.
5.  I'm almost caught up on editing sessions from the past 2 weeks.
6.  I caught up on American Idol while I was working.

I'de say, it was a productive night.

Day 23.....Ryane at school.   This girl loves her school and they love her.   Now, I hate that she goes to "school" instead of staying with family but I can say that I couldn't be happier with where she is.  It's not a fancy place, the building isn't brand new, the staff isn't comprised of certified/degreed educators but I DONT CARE!!!  They love her!!!  I have an early childhood specialization, I know what little kids need...I taught kinder for 7 years and I'll  tell you that no amount of new equipment and certified specialist  could ever top the satisfaction in knowing that the girls that watch Ryane know her and LOVE her.  They have taught her to have manners, they say grace at lunch, they do arts and crafts and they hold her and hug her all day.  She hugs them when she leaves each day and she squeals when she gets to school.....she absolutely loves it.....and that makes me feel like I've made a good choice.   So here is my sweet bliss, doing her school thing.  Oh, they get too big too fast!!!


  1. I LOVE that her hair is always in pig tails! I can't wait until Georgia has hair I can actually fix!

  2. She is so into her schooling LOVE IT!!!


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