My sweet 6 year old Rheagan!!!!

To my sweet baby girl--can't believe you just turned 6.

Where have these 6 years gone.   I look at you and I can’t believe what a an amazing kid you have become.  You seem so small at times and then you speak and the whole world turns to listen to what my little “big girl” has to say.  You are AMAZING.   You are so smart.  You have learned so much this year.   You can tie your shoes, you love gymnastics, you can read, you have been tested into the GT program at school, your teachers love you, your friends love you, and you are a great student.   We are so proud.

I love how you pay attention to every little detail of everything.   You never cease to amaze me at how much you know about “everything”.     I love how good you are at gymnastics---You are just built for it.    You are strong and your coaches just can’t get enough of you.    I love how you always want your toes painted, but you can’t wait to go fishing with PawPaw.   I love that you will get in the garden and dig potatoes with Uncle David, but only if you have your leopard print sunhat.    You  are just the perfect amount of girly and tomboy.    I love how kind you are.   You really never want to hurt anyones feelings.   You are so “colorblind”, that makes me so proud of you.   You look like your daddy,  but it warms my heart every time someone says you look like me when I was little.    You have your Daddy’s sense of compassion but you have my strong, stubborn personality.    I still secretly love when you sneak into my bed at night, I love that you always want me to read you a bedtime story (even though you could read to me), I love that you are so unaware of how mean the world can be, I love that you always believe that everyone is “trying to be” nice.   I love that you “JUST LOVE” Justin Beiber and I’m so glad that you think I’m cool enough to go with you to your first concert.   You already understand that FAMILY comes first.   You know that saying your prayers is just something that we should always do.  You flex your muscles when people push your little sister around, and you bat your eyelashes at the boys when you want them to follow your lead---you are so smart beyond your years already.  

Some things about you:
You love science—it is your favorite subject in school.
You love nonfiction books—mostly about animals, bugs and such
You LOVE JUSTIN BEIBER----anything and everything about him.
Your Best Friends are—Ava, Lily, Jordan, and Bree.  You Miss Lila so much and talk about her all the time.
You weigh 32 pounds
You are getting so tall, you have Daddy’s build—thin and long legs.
You love gymnastics---bars are your favorite. 
You just learned to tie your shoes and you can read on your own.
You are very creative---you love art.
You are a really good sleeper, but you love your night light.
Pink is your favorite color
You sing everything—it is musical theater in our house all the time. 

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.   But I really just want time to stop and I want you to stay my “little big girl” forever.    I tell you all the time to stop growing.  And I mean it!!!!!!
Every year I say, it can’t get any better, and yet, you just keep amazing me year after year.   I love you so much.   You were the first to make us parents, the first to make us a family, the first to call me mommy.    There is no one else that can fill my heart the way you have.   I love you so much more than you can ever know.    Happy Birthday to my “little big  girl”.   I love you Rheagan.  

My beautiful sweet 6 year old girl!!!


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